Monday, March 24, 2014


Short story collection includes "The New Neighbors"

I'm working on a collection of short stories entitled, "Short Stories from the Ash Grove." At this point, it is going to be a collection of 16 short stories that I wrote between 1982 and 2000. Each story is getting a make-over, or at the very least, some editing. I even made some changes to the short story I wrote for senior English way back in 1984.

Here are the first few paragraphs of, "The New Neighbors."

I was dashing about my room, simultaneously dressing for breakfast, picking dirty shirts off my furniture and socks off the floor, when a glimmer outdoors caught my eye. I stopped to glance from my bedroom window toward the road. There sat a large moving van at the curb being emptied of its contents. I stopped dead in my tracks.
“Thank you Lord. Someone is finally moving into the old Cellini house next door. Lord, hear my prayer, I hope they have a pretty 16-year old daughter,” I said in a moment of honest communication with God.

I moved closer to the window and studied the scene. Scurrying around the yard was an elderly man. He was an odd looking man, with a pointed nose and a humped back. His white hair was pulled back off his forehead and his black horn rimmed glasses protruding on the side. His young friend was also unusual in appearance. He was extremely small but surprisingly sturdy looking with his long beard and large head of hair. He had a leg injury of some sort that caused him to drag his leg. 

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